Resolved Issue

Ticket Number: 63341

Erroneous amount line on check when using Gratuity and no inc. tax printout

20/07/2006 2:28:43 PM

Dev - POS

Issue Reported in Version:

2005 SP3 HF4

Found By:

RDS OF FLORIDA (Altamonte Sprg)


If included taxes are used with gratuity on check, and the taxes are not flagged with the separate printout option, a line with an extra amount shows up under the items.
The amount makes no sense on the guest check. If no gratuity is applied, the line does not show up.


Expected Resolution Version:

2005 SP4 HF2 (7.42)



Resolution Version:

2005 SP4 HF2 (7.42) Beta 2

Resolution Notes:

Fix Gratuity on Check not to print a line with an extra amount under the items when using inclusive taxes with the separate printout option disabled.