Resolved Issue

Ticket Number: 67421

Floor Plan refresh from WS resets OnTimer on Maitre'D Server

21/09/2006 5:01:26 PM

Dev - BO

Issue Reported in Version:

2005 SP4 HF3

Found By:



Floor Plan refresh will reset the countdown on the OnTimer function in the Maitre'D Server. The OnTimer function is used to make the server wait for inactivity before processing sales data and inventory data at the back office. If sales data is not processed, attempting to generate a server report at the ws will prompt a Not Available error message until the sales data is processed.


Expected Resolution Version:

2005 SP4 HF5 (7.45)



Resolution Version:

2005 SP4 HF5 (7.45) Beta 1

Resolution Notes:

Fix Floor Plan refresh not to reset the OnTimer function countdown that waits for inactivity before processing sales and inventory data at the back office.