Technical Note: 020300001

(Maitre'D 2002-2003)

Panasonic 9000 Hard Drive Utility

To improve the durability of your Panasonic 9000 hard drive, you can use the HDDOFF.COM utility program available from Posera web site under the utility download section. Panasonic has created this tool to extend the durability of the hard drive by turning it off if you do not access it for a specific time.
The following steps are needed to use this program.
  1. Install the Maitre'D Back-Office software.
  2. Before you create a Panasonic boot disks, edit the AUTOEXEC.NEW file located under the PANANET subdirectory with the following configuration key and value that you insert as the beginning of the file.
  1. copy the HDDOFF.COM file to the PANANET subdirectory. This is available on Posera web site
  2. Create a Panasonic lan disk and boot the Panasonic 9000 workstation with the normal procedures.
Note: This utility program is included for the Panasonic 9000 workstation disk utility in Maitre'D 2000 to 2002.