Technical Note: 19990101003

ACCPAC Receivable

(Maitre'D 1999, and later versions of Maitre'D)

You can provide the chart account to the Maitre'D system with the following file: GLMASTEX.SAM

Number   Not used   Description   Balance
"1001 ", " ", "PETTY CASH ", 100.00CR / LF
"1002 ", " ", "BANK ", -2453.25CR / LF
The account number must have 6 characters and the description 30. The amount is optional. Every time you modifying this file, Maitre'D will update the chart account.
You can provide the Account Receivable customer's list to the Maitre'D system with the following file: ARMASTEX.SAM




Limit Balance
"1001 ", "Mr BOB ", 5000.00 4000.00CR / LF
"1002 ", "Mme SMITH ", 2453.25 2000.00CR / LF
"1003 ", "TROUBLE MAKER ", 0.00 0.00CR / LF
The customer number must be 6 characters and the description 30. Every time you modifying this file, Maitre'D will update the A/R customer list.
IMPORTANT: To have this file import in Maitre'D you need the Accounting interface module and the Account Receivable interface.