Technical Note: 20031212001

Bypass Card Number Validation with COMMIDEA EFT

(Maitre'D 2003, from Service Pack 4, to Maitre'D 2005)

P.O.S. Control / Payments / Media Types / Card Property

You can bypass the credit card number validation before sending it to COMMIDEA. This is used for credit card numbers that do not match the Modulus 10 validation formula, and that do not have a predictable number pattern. COMMIDEA uses a large database to verify the validity of such credit card numbers.
Once this media type was selected on the workstation, and the card was swiped and validated by the COMMIDEA server, the resulting card type in sent back to the workstation for this info to be printed on the EFT coupon.
So, to bypass the credit card number validation before sending such credit card numbers' authorization requests to COMMIDEA, disable the following option:


However, all cards processed through this media type will appear under the same form of payment in the Report Center module. You can still create other media types to distinguish between common payments with fixed number patterns in the reports, and use this generic media type for other seldom used cards with hard to predict number patterns.