Technical Note: 20090113009

Combo in Dining Room

(Maitre'D and later versions of Maitre'D)

In a table-side service restaurant, you can apply Combos for items that were selected in separate operations. For example, if a customer first only ordered a hamburger and French fries, but then orders a soft drink with his dessert, the sandwich, fries and soda can be combined into a hamburger Combo.

P.O.S. Control / Employees / Configuration / Order / Combo Meal

Use Ordered Items:

Enable this option to activate the detection of Combos by comparing the items selected in the current and previous operations with Combos setup in P.O.S. Control / Revenue Center / Combo Meals. If they correspond to a Combo, the employee can apply the special price for this customer.
Note: The Use Combo option above must also be enabled.

Detect Combo on Print:

Enable this option to activate the detection of Combos only when the guest's check is printed, instead of detecting them automatically when the items are selected. This allows to give the best possible deal once all items have been ordered and the customer is ready to pay.
Note: The only possibility for regular employees will be to apply the Combos. Managers and Head Servers will have the choice to apply them or not.

If checks are reprinted, because of added items and/or for a redistribution, only managers or head servers can apply new Combos.

Note: This option is incompatible with the Auto Apply Combo and Auto Combo Suggestion options above, but the Use Combo and Use Ordered Items options must also both be enabled.