Technical Note: 20080219003

Detailed Shift Report

(Maitre'D and later versions of Maitre'D 7)

When closing the shift for All Workstations and generating the shift report, you can print the last shift details below the totals for all shifts.

To print this detailed portion of report, under the C:\Posera\MaitreD\Data directory, in the [Miscellaneous] section of the Bo.ini file, add the following configuration key and value:


Note: The Close The Shift and Generate Shift Report options must also be enabled in P.O.S. Control / Employees / Configuration / Functions
Note: When modifying the Bo.ini, first stop the Server through Server Control, then exit both the Server Control and P.O.S. Control modules, modify the Bo.ini Configuration Key and Value, and only then start the Server again before redoing workstation data.