Technical Note: 20090113059


(Maitre'D and later versions of Maitre'D)

When the amount of money in the petty cash or vault is too high, or when the amount taken in the Cash Drawer is high enough, the employee fills an envelope and deposits it in the safe.

Financial Flow Management / Safe / Envelopes

The system displays the envelope screen.

The user selects the employee filling the envelope.

The user specifies where the money is coming from.



According to the employee chosen, the system filters the source and destination lists.

(only POS employees can make cash drawer envelopes and only managers can move envelopes from one safe area to another) 

If more then one destination is available, the user specifies where the money is going.


The user specifies the number of envelopes being filled.

The system displays one line per envelope, according to the number specified.

The user enters, for each envelope, the reference number of the envelope as well as the amount it holds.

The user confirms the transaction by clicking on the OK button.

The system warns that a transaction will be recorded.

The user confirms by clicking on the Submit button.


The system displays a result window specifying that the transaction was saved for each envelope with the reference number written on the envelope. The system offers the user to remain connected or not. The user is not done, so he stays connected by clicking on the YES button.