Technical Note: 20090113070

External Orders Service

(Maitre'D and later versions of Maitre'D)


The External Order Service (EOS) allows to receive delivery sales straight into Maitre'D from a third party software, such as a transactional web site, an order taking software in a call center, or a Kiosk.


Orders are received through the internet in XML files, and are then validated before being accepted. This validation includes the verification of the check calculation, as well as the pre-authorization of a credit card, if this payment media was chosen.


These orders are integrated directly in the sales of Maitre'D, thus eliminating the need for a manual double entry in the system, which speeds up the processing and avoids errors.


Delivery zones can be received from the EOS, and can have different delivery fees and delays. These delays can also be modified from the Point Of Sales, or a zone can even be simply closed, following the closure of a bridge, for example.

Web Service Configuration

Sequence of Events

Here are the different steps of an EOS order:

Note: The External Code found in P.O.S. Control / Revenue Center / Items Setup / Links is used to match a local sales item with a web item. If an item does not have an external code, the items number is used instead.
Note: A second Electronic Funds Transfer Server runs along with the internal sales Server. It transmits the transactions status to the EOS.


External Zones Management

You can setup the system to use external zones coming from the EOS.

On the workstation, in the managers Special Menu, touch the External Zone button.

On the External Zone Configuration screen, touch the zone to be modified.

Touch the Additional Delay field.

Enter the new delay in minutes, and touch the Exit button.

Touch the Status field.

Touch the Closed button to stop delivering in that zone.

Touch the Save button to put into effect the changes done. These will then immediately be transmitted to the EOS.

Delivery / File / External Zones

Use External Zones:

Enable this option to import delivery sections from the EOS.


This column displays the name of each external section.

Note: This description is modified by the EOS only.

Delivery Fees:

This column displays any amount added for each external zone.

Note: This value is modified by the EOS only.

Base Delay:

This column displays the minimum number of minutes required to get to each external zone.

Note: This time is modified by the EOS only.

Additional Delay:

Enter the extra time required to get to each zone, according to road conditions and rush hours.

Note: This second delay is modified at the restaurant, and then transmitted to the EOS in real-time.


Set this field to Close if the drivers currently can not get to that zone, because off road conditions. For example, if the main road leading to this zone is closed, you can shut down this zone for this restaurant, so that the EOS refuses orders, or tries to assign orders to another restaurant with their permission.

Note: This status is modified at the restaurant, and then transmitted to the EOS in real-time.

Reset at End Of Day:

Enable this option to automatically bring back the Additional Delays to zero and the Statuses to Open at the end of the fiscal day. The Zones, Delivery Fees and Base Delays fields will then also be imported from the EOS.

Manual Update:

Touch this button to import immediately the Zones, Delivery Fees and Base Delays from the EOS.

Delivery / View / Options / Functionality

Preparation Delay:

Enable this option to add the time in the Minutes field to the Base and Additional delays of each zone.


Enter the cooking time for all orders, to add on top of the Base and Additional delays.

Note: For example, for a pizzeria, there always is a minimum of 15 minutes cooking time.

Point Of Sales

P.O.S. Control / Employees / Configuration / Delivery

External Zone Configuration:

Enable this option to allow these Employees to modify the Additional Delays and Statuses of zones from the Points Of Sales.

Note: The Driver Manager option above must also be enabled.


Two types of Pre-Orders can be sent by the EOS.

Note: As mentioned before, the Use Preparation Time option must be enabled in Converter / Tools / External Sales Posting / Advanced

Pre-Recorded Orders for Today

Pre-Recorded orders are orders taken in advance for the same day. When the system accepts such a pre-recorded order, it is imported immediately and put on hold until the calculated preparation time is reached.

Note: This hold takes place even if the Print Dispatcher is disabled. When it is enabled, the calculated preparation time is displayed as if it was the reception time.

The preparation time for a pre-recorded order is calculated according to desired delivery time minus the delivery delays. All alerts are then calculated according to that time.


Because the Print Dispatcher screen is sorted chronologically according to the reception time, pre-recorded orders will display at the bottom of the list with a time in the future.


When the Preparation Time is reached, the check and preparation chit will be printed.

Pre-Orders for Another Day

Pre-Orders are orders taken days in advance. When the system accepts such a pre-order, a pre-order chit is printed on the check printer. That chit contains the information of the pre-order.


Some limitations need to be noted for this type of order:


Note: For Pre-Orders taken a previous day, if the Print Dispatcher is used, the time when the pre-order was imported is displayed.

Pre-Orders received in Maitre'D will be processed automatically when the Preparation Time is reached.

Note: Include a Delivery Pre-Order Recall command button to manually force the processing of a client's pre-order from the Order screen. If there are many pre-orders for this customer today, you can choose the pre-order to verify and modify it before pushing it through. The Pre-Order button on the Print Dispatcher screen also directly allows displaying the delivery client selection screen.

Message Center

The External Orders Service can also transmit messages from the call center towards the restaurant. For example, if one restaurant can no longer deliver to a particular delivery zone, the call center can ask another close by restaurant to takeover. Or also, if a customer calls back because an item was missing from the order, the call center can send a correction message to the restaurant.

Message Reception

The call center generates the message and sends it to the restaurant using Maitre’D’s web service. When the Maitre’D system receives a message, it confirms the proper reception of that message to the call center.

Note: It is not possible for the restaurant to answer this message through the Message Center.

The message is assigned to the Employee setup in Delivery / View / Options / Pre-Order.


All messages assigned to this employee are considered as call center messages and displayed in the print dispatcher or printed automatically.

Message Display

Without Print Dispatcher

If the Print Dispatcher is disabled, the messages are automatically printed, in 2 copies, on the Receipt printer of the Workstation setup in Delivery / View / Options / Pre-Order. A reception notification is sent to the call center once the message is printed.

With Print Dispatcher

The messages are displayed in the Print Dispatcher with the title and message type. The title corresponds to the 16 first characters of the message’s first line.

When the Detail button is touched after selecting a message, the Point Of Sales displays it through the Message Center.

This screen allows to:

Note: The message can not be formatted to display bold characters or any other special format type.

P.O.S. Control / Employee / Message Center

The message history is kept indefinitely. Users can remove message manually with the Delete button.

Converter Setup

Converter / Tools / External Sales Posting / Config. Service Web

Activate Web Service:

Enable this option to setup the different parameters needed to establish communication with the EOS.


Specify the URL of the web service the system must connect to.

User Name:

Specify the username to use when identifying the system with the EOS.

Note: Each restaurant has its own username and password.


Specify the password to use when identifying the system with the EOS.


Confirm the password that must match the one specified in the above field.

Note: The content of these two fields is always hidden.

Show Log:

Click this button to display the event journal.

Verify Binding:

Click this button to confirm the communication configuration with the EOS.

Note: The External Sales Import option must also be enabled and the Directory specified in
Converter / Tools / External Sales Posting / General

Converter / Tools / External Sales Posting / Advanced

Use External Tax Calculation:

Enable this option to accept the tax amount from the external file rather the one calculated from the tax's setup in the P.O.S. Control module, if there is a discrepancy. In such an event, the difference will be posted to the media type chosen above, and will be logged in the answer files.

Note: The Use Preparation Time option above must also be enabled to accept Pre-Orders.

Automatic Export of Configuration Files

Converter / View / Options / Files 

Configuration Data Export:

Enable this option to export configuration files during the End Of Day and after the application of a Broadcast for the External Order Service of the third party. These files contain all revenue centers and media types configurations, so that the EOS can be updated with all menu changes for the next day.

End Of Day

Checks Update

To compare all orders received through the EOS and all delivery orders processed in the restaurant, an XML file containing all checks can be generated during the End Of Day. That file is included in the FDE (Full Data Export) that will be transmitted to the Head Office with Maitre'D's E-Global tools.

Keep Invoices:

Enable this option to create the invoices copies file.

Note: The Full Data Export option must also be enabled in Converter / View / Options / Files 

For Days:

Enter the number of days to keep the history of the invoices.