Technical Note: 20000918032

Mode Switch for Fast-Food Orders

(Maitre'D Millennium, and later versions of Maitre'D)

P.O.S. Control / Employees / Configuration / Order / Command

Fast-Food employees can be allowed to change modes during the ordering process for an individual transaction. This allow the user to change modes before, during, or after taking an order depending on the access the employee was given. After the order is placed the workstation returns to the original Mode.

Mode Switch:


If Anytime is selected the user can switch modes at any point during the ordering process by touching a button on the menu. This button must be programmed on the preferential screen the server uses. The manager Screen Set Up function has the ability to create this button. The button then can be touched at any time to change modes up until the order was sent.

Before order

If Before order item is enabled in the Employee Configuration Key Tab then the user will see the Mode Selection screen before taking the order.

After order

If After order is selected the user will be prompted to select the Mode after completing the order. When he touches the Send button the Mode Selection screen appears.