Technical Note: 20050331131
Incoming Data Location
(Maitre'D 2005 and later versions of Maitre'D)
You can save the incoming data from some restaurants in a different folder
then the default Incoming path defined in the General tab. This must be
used to redirect incoming data from restaurants still running Maitre'D
2003 to a separate 2003 corporate communication application and database
once some restaurant servers and the corporate office server applications
have been updated to Maitre'D 2005.
Corporate Communication Server / Data Location
Click this button to choose a different folder then the default Incoming
path defined in the General tab.
Click this button to choose a different folder for this exception.
Click this button to delete an exception from the list and revert to the
default Incoming path defined in the General tab.
Alternate path for this restaurant's incoming data.
Associated Restaurant
Restaurant sill running the previous version of Maitre'D.