Technical Note: 20050331134

Management Fields

(Maitre'D 2005 and later versions of Maitre'D)
This report is used to verify that all restaurants are up to the proper accounting date, have closed their Electronic Funds Transfer batch, and downloaded menu changes from the Broadcaster.

Databoard / Report / Predefined / Management Fields

A: The header displays the name of the report, the exact moment this screen was last refreshed, and the exact moment the data was last updated. B: For each restaurant, this report displays on each row:


Name of the restaurant.

Accounting Date

Fiscal date this restaurant is up to, according to the last data received.

EOD Date

Exact date and time this restaurant closed its last fiscal day.

EFT Closing Date

Exact date and time this restaurant closed its last Electronic Funds Transfer batch.

CCM Last Transmission Date

Exact date and time this restaurant last communicated with the Corporate Communication Server.