Technical Note: 20050331022

Conditional Printing

(Maitre'D 2005 and later versions of Maitre'D)
The Conditional Printing interface allows to link the printout of items from different divisions that go to separate printers on the same order. For example, let us say you order at the same time an item from the Pasta division and an item from the Grill division. Furthermore, these items are setup to print on different printers. On the Pasta printer, the Pasta item will print first, followed by a note to synchronize the Grill item on the same order.

P.O.S. Control / Revenue Center / Divisions / Conditional Printing


Click the ADD button to link a secondary division to the base division.

P.O.S. Control / Revenue Center / Divisions / Conditional Printing / Divisions


Choose the secondary division to link a secondary to the base division.

P.O.S. Control / Employees / Configuration / Order

You also need to enable the following options.

Use Conditional Printing:

Enable this option for that employee to trigger the conditional printing option.

Print Modifier:

Enable this option for the coupon to include the modifiers associated with the second item.

Use Compilation:

Enable this option to compile the section of the coupon with the second item.
On the Pasta printer, the Pasta item prints first, followed by a note to synchronize the Grill item on the same table.
Note: Conditional Printing is incompatible with the use of Courses.