Technical Note: 20050331024

Copy Item Configuration by Revenue Center

(Maitre'D 2005 and later versions of Maitre'D)

System Configuration / Backup / Copy Item Config. By Revenue Center

This function allows to recreate rapidly the same configurations in all modes of another revenue center once you have manually setup the configurations for all modes of all sales items of a first revenue center. This option is useful to program a new revenue center, such as creating a To GO revenue center from a Dining Room revenue center, and then modify the target revenue center to change a few items, such as replacing fountain soda with soda cans, for example. The Back-Office copies the sales items configuration only.

Revenue Center:

Select the source revenue center from where you want to copy the configuration.

Revenue Center:

Select the destination revenue center where you want to copy the previously selected configuration.
Note: If you choose a source revenue center that has more modes then the target revenue center, the system will copy the configurations into the existing mode(s), but will not add any new mode to the destination revenue center.

Replace Existing:

Enable this option to overwrite an existing revenue center and its mode(s) with the previously selected configuration in addition to creating new configurations for empty sales items and modes.


Click OK to start the copy of the selected configuration towards the destination revenue center.