Technical Note: 20011004004

Enhanced Tips Declaration

(Maitre'D 2002, and later versions of Maitre'D)

Time & Attendance / View / Options

This section will explain how to configure your Time & Attendance module in order to use the enhanced tips declaration feature.

Enhanced Tip Declaration:


Tip Transfers:

If you are allowing tip transfers between servers, this option must be enabled. Tip transfers could occur between any employees that are programmed in the Time & Attendance module. Thereby, a server will be able to transfer tips to a busboy or a hostess.

Note: Tips transfers are allowed only after a tip declaration.

Include discounts:

Enable this option if the discounts are included in the tipable sales. When this option is enabled, the tip able sales will be the sales minus the discounts.

For example, if you have sales of 100$ and you are applying on those 100$ sales discounts for 40$, and that the Include discounts option is enabled, the tip able sales would be of 60$ (100$ - 40$).

Time & Attendance / File / Employee / Personal Information

Social Security:

Enter the employee's Social Security Number.

Time and Attendance / File / Employee / Assigned Tasks

Tip Declaration Rate:

Enter a minimum declaration rate (for example 8.00 for 8 %).

P.O.S. Control / Revenue Center / Options / Configuration

Sales included in TEFRA:

Enable for all menus that are using the enhanced tip declaration.

Note: TEFRA stands for Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act.

Point of Sales Control / Employees / Employees / POS Operation

Tips Declaration:

For all the employees that are using the enhanced tip declaration, you must select a declaration time in order to perform their tips declaration. Possible choices are:

Before Punch out

The employees will do their tip declaration before they are clocking out. When the employee will try to punch out, the system will automatically prompt the tips declaration screen.

Prior to S.F.R.

The employees will do their tip declaration before running their Servers Financial Report. When the employee will try to do their financial report, the system will automatically prompt the tips declaration screen.

Any Time

The employees will be able to do their tip declaration at any time during the day. They will find the access to the TIPS DECLARATION button under the FUNCTION button at the Point of Sales.

Tips declaration at the Point of Sales

Note: The tips declaration is done only once a day. Resetting the server financial report would not affect the tips declaration. If employees are doing split shifts on the same day, they will have to do their tips declaration at the end of their second shift.

Depending on the Tips Declaration moment you selected under P.O.S. Control / Employees / Employees / POS Operation (at step 4), employee will get to their tips declaration screen:

Once the tips declaration is done, this coupon will be printed on the check printer:

In the server financial report, you will find these fields:

Cash tips

The amount of declared tips using the tips declaration module for the cash transactions

Charge tips

The amount of declared tips using the tips declaration module for the credit cards.

Declared tips

Total of cash and charge declared tips

Transferred out

Indicate tips that were given during a tips transfer.

Transferred in

Indicate tips that were taken during a tips transfer.

Available Reports

The report option of the Time & Attendance module contains two (2) reports in regard to the enhanced tips declaration option.

Time & Attendance / Report / Tips / Declaration

Prints all transactions referring to tips declaration for all the employees.

Time & Attendance / Report / Tips / Transfers

Prints all the tips transfers between employees.