Technical Note: 20000918014

(Maitre'D Millennium, and later versions of Maitre'D)

Level Modifiers

How to use level modifier

Level modifier is design to work with price structure. Your menu setup, modifier or weight modifier could call the same list of modifier or price roll-up, and each time, the item price might change according to your price structure. For example, your special on medium pizza is as follow. The price for a medium pizza is 10.00 including 1 topping. If you add one or two toppings, $3.00 is added to your pizza ($13.00). Then if you add one or two more topping, $2.00 is added. Then every new add on will be charge $1.50.


1 topping
 2 toppings
3 toppings
4 toppings
5 toppings
 6 toppings
7 toppings
$10.00 $13.00 $13.00 $15.00 $15.00 $16.50 $18.00

To do so

On your pizza item you set the price of $10.00. This item will call a modifier screen that could be reach from modifier #1 or weight modifier option. In addition, this item will call a level modifier to set the modifier prices according to your structure.
With this setup, when you select MEDIUM PIZZA, the program calls the MED TOP group up to 10 times and each time you select something from it the program apply the price structure build in the level modifier MEDIUM PRICES. As you can see, because the USE PRICE option is ON, the first five item prices will be $0.00, $3.00, $0.00, $2.00, $0.00. Then because level price option is OFF the program will apply the price of the modifier it self ($1.50 per selection).