Technical Note: 20011004134

(Maitre'D 2002, and later versions of Maitre'D)

Not able to share the Maitre'D folder

When you start the back-office server, a warning message states that the system cannot share the Maitre'D folder.

To solve this problem:
  1. Make sure that the network is properly installed.
  2. Make sure that within C:\Posera, the MaitreD folder is shared.
  3. If the problem remains, add the following command line in the Network section of the Bo.ini file within C:\Posera\MaitreD\Data


Note: When modifying the Bo.ini, first stop the Server through Server Control, then exit both the Server Control and P.O.S. Control modules, modify the Bo.ini Configuration Key and Value, and only then start the Server again before redoing workstation data.