Technical Note: 20090113019

Perpetual Inventory

(Maitre'D and later versions of Maitre'D)

Perpetual Inventory allows knowing precisely stock count and value at any given time, past or current. It allows stock counts on a "from dd/mm/yy to dd/mm/yy" basis as well as at period end.


Items can be counted at different frequencies, once on a daily basis (mini-stock) and again as part of the "from to" process.

Note: Inventory item values are reported without the included taxes or discounts applied when purchased, allowing for an accurate Gross Profit Percentage calculation.


The system allows grouping items in different inventory count Worksheets.  Some Worksheets will perform actual inventory adjustments, while some others will only allow comparing stocks in reports.

Inventory Management / File / Create a Worksheet

Click on the ADD button.

Inventory Management / File / Create a Worksheet / Add or Modify


Enter a name for this Worksheet.

For example they could be called:

Adjust Inventory:

Enable this option for an inventory count entered with this worksheet to actually perform an inventory adjustment. Worksheets with this option disabled are used only to do simple stock Controls that will be used for comparison reports.

Select a Group or Category to include in the worksheet, and click on the right arrow.

Note: These inclusions are dynamic, so that if you later create an item within a category, or a category within a group, they will be included as well.

The Alcohol category was included in the Worksheet.

Note: We could also have added the whole Liquor group instead, but we wanted to leave out the Soft Drink category.

Also add some other categories from the Liquor group, as well as the Bar category from the Dry group.

Now, add some individual items.

Select an Item to include in the worksheet, and click on the right arrow.

The Bitter Lemon was added to the Worksheet.

Note: To remove an item, category or group, use the left arrow. You can not remove an individual item from a selected category, nor a category from a selected group by using the left arrow, as this would defeat the goal of the dynamic inclusion. Instead select all other items or categories individually.

Click on the OK button.

Click on the Close button.

Note: The Default Worksheet includes all Groups, and has the Adjust Inventory enabled.

Print a Worksheet

A worksheet can be generated at any given time, and includes only items that the user wants to track in the different frequencies.


Each time the system prints a worksheet, it includes the current items matching the selected worksheet. The system allows reprinting a worksheet multiple times. For example, this allows to print the Daily Bar worksheet that always contains all current items whose quantities need to be tracked daily at the bar.

Inventory Management / Action / Print a Worksheet


Select the worksheet containing the groups, categories and items to be counted.


Select the supplier you want to generate a worksheet for or select All for all suppliers.

For example, you could print only the items supplied by Budweiser, out of the whole Daily bar worksheet.

Order By:

Select the sequence of the printout. Available options are Item ID, Item Code, Item Description, Category, Group or Supplier.

Stock Adjustment

A Stock Adjustment allows to adjust the inventory from a worksheet, in order to match the theoretical quantity with the real quantity in stock. Any difference will be recorded as an inventory variance and will be differentiated from a lost. A variance is missing stock that you do not know the origin instead of a lost, which has a known origin.

Inventory Management / Action / Adjustment


Select from the drop-down list of worksheets, with the Adjust Inventory option enabled, that was printed and used to count the stock.

Note: The system always refreshes the items from the worksheet selection criteria, so if some items were modified between the time the original worksheet was printed and the moment the stock take is entered in the system, some lines may differ.


This field displays the date for the inventory adjustment, as chosen in the previous step.

Note: Except if you chose Now in the previous step, this represents the status at the End Of Day of the previous fiscal day, before any sales were recorded on the date shown here.


If the multi-location is installed on the license, select in which location the stock was counted.


If the multi-location is not installed on the license, you can enter in which site the stock was counted.
Note: Sites can be used when generating worksheets to group specific inventory items together.


Choose the supplier for which the inventory was counted, or select All for all suppliers.

To enter only the items supplied by Budweiser, for example.

After choosing the filters, the system displays the worksheet, in the same order it was last printed.


Name of the inventory item.


Enter quantity in stock, in the inventory format.

Note: The Theoretical Quantity is only displayed to the System Owner, or if the Hide Theoretical Quantity option is disabled in Inventory Management / View / Options / Adjustment


This field displays the difference between the current adjustment input and the theoretical quantity.

Note: This information is only shown if the Theoretical Quantity is also displayed in the Stock column.

Units of Measure:

This field displays the inventory format.

Stock Control

This function allows to count inventory items on a worksheet, in order to compare the theoretical quantity with the real quantity in stock, but it does not make any actual adjustment. The counted quantities are used for reporting, but do not influence the value of the stock.

Note: While the items are being counted, neither production nor sales should be taking place. For example, this could be used to take a count before lunch time and after lunch time, to help track and minimize the inventory items waste and lost.

A stock Control allows taking a snapshot of the inventory multiple times during the day, week or period and helps track and minimize the inventory item wastes and lost. This operation can done in less then a few minutes, if there are not too many inventory items included, to reduce to a maximum the negative impact on the customers.

Inventory Management / Action / Control


Select from the drop-down list of worksheets with the Adjust Inventory option disabled.

Note: The system always refreshes the items from the worksheet selection criteria.


Select the date of the Stock Control.


Select the hour of the Stock Control.


If the multi-location is installed on the license, select in which one the stock was counted.


If the multi-location is not installed on the license, you can enter in which site the stock was counted.

After choosing the filters, the system displays the worksheet.


Name of the inventory item.


Enter quantity in stock, in the inventory format.

Note: The Theoretical Quantity is displayed only to the System Owner, or if the Hide Theoretical Quantity option is disabled in Inventory Management / View / Options / Adjustment. The Theoretical Quantity at the time of the Control is calculated from the status at the End Of Day (EOD) of the previous fiscal day, before any sales were recorded on the date chosen minus (-) inventory items sold and wasted between the EOD and the time chosen (+) inventory items received between the EOD and that time.


This field displays the difference between the current control input and the theoretical quantity at the time of the Control.

Note: This information is only shown if the Theoretical Quantity is also displayed in the Stock column.

Units of Measure:

This field displays the inventory format.

Merchandise Reception

Inventory Management / Action / Merchandise Reception

Reception Time:

Enter the hour when you received the merchandise, so the system can properly calculate the Theoretical Quantities at the time of a stock Control.

Gross Profit Ratio

The Gross Profit Ratio is calculated on each inventory item part of an inventory recipe or inventory item. (Ex: bottle of beer) It is used to determine if the business is earning a good return on the sales of its products.


The following formulas are used by the reports to calculate:


Theoretical Gross Profit = Cost of Sales / (Sales without inclusive tax – Discount without inclusive tax)


Actual Gross Profit = Sales / (Sales without inclusive tax – Discount without inclusive tax - Lost)


For each transaction the system calculates and stores the following information:

All this information is stored to 3 decimal places, to reduce the rounding factor.


For each fiscal day the system consolidates the data per:

This provides fast reporting.


Inventory Management / File / Recipe

Gross Profit Override:

Enable this option to supersede the recipe used to calculate the Gross Profit (GP) so the user can define the percentage of allocation that each ingredient represents toward the GP. The ratio field is then replaced by the Profit % field.

Inventory Management / File / Recipe / Modify

Gross Profit Override:

Enter the Profit percentage each inventory items represents towards that recipe's cost.

Note: If the total of the entered percentages does not equal 100%, the difference will be assigned to the last inventory item in the recipe.

For example if a cosmopolitan has 25ml vodka, 25ml Cointreau and 25ml lime juice the system allocates sales based on those pre-defined %, as the volume is the same for all 3, but allocating 1/3 of the sales to lime juice, which costs very little, would be misleading.


The report center allows generating inventory reports that are based on a free ranging period (From – To)

These reports are:

The reports include a summary page by category and by site.


The system provides Full Historical reporting, to look at (for example) last week, last month, last period, last year, year to date, etc.

Purchase Order

When adding an item while performing an inventory purchase, an option allows to affect the average cost price or not.

Identify Stock Taker

The system uses the currently logged in Username and Password to keep track of the stock taker modification.


The system provides a configuration to specify what type of cost to change real or average cost.