Technical Note: 20040322010b
POS Electronic Journal
(Maitre'D 2005 and later versions of Maitre'D)
P.O.S. Control / Workstation / Options / Advanced
You can enable an Electronic Journal on each workstation. This text file
contains a chronological list of all transactions done on the workstation.
To make this journal available, enable
the following option:
Electronic Journal

Note: This feature is not available on CE workstations.

Note: By default, each workstation saves the resulting Journal.Log
file in the C:\WS folder of its own hard drive. You can specify a path
to save the electronic journals off all workstations in a central location
by entering a path in the POS Electronic Journal Path line of System Configuration
/ View / Options / Directories
Since Maitre'D 2005 Service Pack 3, all punch modifications done on the
workstation are also included.