Technical Note: 20040924016b

POS Electronic Journal Path

(Maitre'D 2005 and later versions of Maitre'D)

System Configuration / View / Options / Directories

You can specify a path in another location for the Electronic Journal. Once this path is set, the system renames each file to JournalXX.LOG, where XX is the workstation number.

POS Electronic Journal Path

For this path to take effect, click on this line, followed by the MODIFY button, and navigate to the path where you want to save the POS Electronic Journal.
Note: Since Service Pack 5, workstations running Windows CE can also save their Electronic Journal, but Pocket PC Handheld can only do so locally.
Note: To make this journal available, you also need to enable the Electronic Journal option in P.O.S. Control / Workstation / Options / Advanced.